Targeting the DNA Damage Response for Cancer Therapeutics Conference
Bronze $3,000 €2,700
Silver $6,500 €5,800
Gold $12,000 €10,800
Platinum $18,000 €16,000
Diamond $25,000 €22,300
Logo on conference website
Pre-session logo projection
30% discount against a 'Single' or 'Shared' registration fee
Company profile and logo in abstract book
Distribution of promotional material (placed near registration desk)
Logo displayed in programme
Full A5 page advert in abstract book
Complimentary registration for one employee inclusive of full board accommodation for the conference period
15 minutes industry talk
Sponsored poster prizes
Additional complimentary registration for one employee inclusive of full board accommodation for the conference period
Newsletter highlight (50 words)
Exhibit stand
Promotional item per delegate, placed on desk in conference room
Literature distribution in conference room
Promotional giveaway per delegate at registration
Sponsored poster session, break or cocktail reception
Post-conference e-blast to participants