Past Conference

Drug Discovery Re-Invented

Emerging Role of Biotechs, Academics and Non-Profits


16 Oct - 19 Oct 2013


Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Early Bird - Expired  •  Talk Submission - Expired  •  Poster Submission - Expired  •  Registration & Payment Deadline - Expired


The Drug Discovery Re-Invented Fusion conference will center on new approaches to drug discovery in an industry where the landscape is changing rapidly. With large pharma reducing investment in internal early stage research, drug pipelines will increasingly be filled by alternative sources. These players include: government, academic labs, non-profits, biotech companies, and pharmaceutical “open innovation” models. The conference will also provide examples of successful strategies for advancing new drug candidates in this era of distributed discovery.

Key Sessions include:

  1. Discovery Re-Invented
  2. Novel Pharma Approaches
  3. Collaborative Drug Discovery
  4. Natural Products
  5. Structure, Modelling and Informatics
  6. Biologics and Non-traditional Therapeutics
  7. Discovery Technologies
  8. Exhibit

Dr. William A. Kinney's Bio:

Dr. Kinney began his industrial career in the CNS group at Wyeth, where he invented the cyclobutenedione-containing NMDA antagonist perzinfotel that progressed to phase II clinical trials for pain.  At Magainin Pharmaceuticals, he directed projects on trodusquemine (phase II, obesity) and squalamine (phase II, eye disease), two shark-derived natural products.  In 2000, he joined Johnson & Johnson, where he pursued peptide-mimetic integrin antagonists and urotensin-II receptor modulators for cardiovascular indications.  He also made seminal discoveries with respect to self-assembling collagen-mimetic peptides that stimulate platelet aggregation.  Currently, Dr. Kinney is a faculty member within the Institute for Hepatitis and Virus Research.  He directed the technical feasibility, business plan development, and logistics for the donation of the former Merck Research Laboratories Natural Product Collection to the IHVR. He also initiated a structure based drug design project on a new anti-viral target in collaboration with Prof. Peter Katsikis at Drexel University to develop PI3K p110d kinase inhibitors that block host cell signaling pathways required for influenza infection and pathogenesis.  He is an adjunct faculty member atDrexelUniversityand Founder of IteraMed, a company focused on internal and out-sourced organic synthesis, consulting, and drug discovery.  His scientific contributions include 70 publications, invited lectures, and oral presentations and inventorship on 37 issued U.S. patents. 

Dr. Charles H. Reynolds' Bio:

Dr. Reynolds is currently President of GFree, LLC, a structure-based drug discovery company based in suburban Philadelphia.  He is an expert in the areas of computational chemistry, structure-based design, and drug discovery with more than 25 years of experience.  Dr. Reynolds is also a Director on the Advisory Board of Quantum Bio, Inc. and an adjunct professor at the Pennsylvania Drug Discovery Institute.  Previously he was Senior Director and Head of Discovery Technologies at Ansaris, where he was a member of the executive leadership team and responsible for the company’s proprietary fragment-based design technology platform.  Prior to joining Ansaris, he led modeling groups at the Springhouse, PA and La Jolla, CA research sites of Johnson & Johnson, where he and his team made significant contributions to discovery programs in neuroscience, oncology, pain, and cardiovascular disease.  Dr. Reynolds began his career at Rohm and Haas (now Dow) where his scientific accomplishments were recognized with the company’s highest science award, the Otto Haas Award.  He has held a variety of leadership positions in the American Chemical Society (ACS), and was recently named a Fellow of the ACS.  Some of his other awards include The Standards of Leadership Award (J&J) and Excellence in Science Award (J&J).
Dr. Reynolds earned a BA, with honors, from Austin College and PhD from the University of Texas at Austin.  He was an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania and has supervised joint graduate and postdoctoral students at the Pennsylvania State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has published approximately 100 papers, patents, and book chapters, and is a co-editor of two books.  His comments on drug discovery have been sought by news organizations ranging from C&E News to the Wall Street Journal.

Confirmed Speakers

Plenary Speakers
Steven Young

Steven Young

Consultant, Retired VP Merck & Co.

Michael Foley

Michael Foley

Director, Chemical Biology, Novel Therapeutics, Broad Institute

William Jorgensen

William Jorgensen

Sterling Professor, Yale University

Omar Vandal

Omar Vandal

Program Officer, Discovery & Translational Sciences, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Sean Brady

Sean Brady

Prof, Rockefeller University

David Lowe

David Lowe

CEO, Aeglea BioTherapeutics

Invited Speakers
James Barrow

James Barrow

Investigator, Lieber Institute

Jef De Brabander

Jef De Brabander

Professor, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Benjamin Blass

Benjamin Blass

Assistant Professor, Temple University School of Pharmacy, Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research

Michael Trzoss

Michael Trzoss

Principal Scientist II, Trius Therapeutics

Joseph Vacca

Joseph Vacca

Owner, J. Vacca Consulting LLC

Craig Thomas

Craig Thomas

Chemistry Technologies Group Leader, NCATS

David Gorenstein

David Gorenstein

Assoc. Dean Research, Medical School, University of Texas HSC Houston

Michael Goetz

Michael Goetz


Leah Frye

Leah Frye

Vice President, Schrodinger

Zhengying Pan

Zhengying Pan

Research Fellow, Peking University, Shenzhen Graduate School

James Breitenbucher

James Breitenbucher

Director of Chemistry, Dart Neuroscience

Bart DeCorte

Bart DeCorte

VP Business Development, Mercachem

Kenneth Merz

Kenneth Merz

Director, Institute for Cyber Enabled Research (iCER) and Joseph Zichis Chair in Chemistry , Michigan State University

Aaron Sato

Aaron Sato

VP Research, Sutro Biopharma

Todd Chappell

Todd Chappell

Entrepreneur-in-Residence, BioHealth Innovation, Inc.

Sandhya Kortagere

Sandhya Kortagere

Assistant Professor, Drexel University College of Medicine

Andreas Bader

Andreas Bader

Director - Research, Mirna Therapeutics

Patrick Lam

Patrick Lam

Drexel University College of Medicine, Former BMS Chemistry Director

Janet  Ralbovsky

Janet Ralbovsky

Licensing Associate , University of Tennessee Research Foundation

Serge Boulet

Serge Boulet

Senior Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company

Mark McDonnell

Mark McDonnell

Senior Scientist, Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center Inc.

Paul Leeson

Paul Leeson

Consultant, GlaxoSmithKline

Matthew Segall

Matthew Segall

CEO, Optibrium Ltd.

Guy Carter

Guy Carter

Chief Scientific Officer, Biosortia Pharmaceuticals

Chris Williams

Chris Williams

Principal Scientist , Chemical Computing Group

Gabor Butora

Gabor Butora

Principal Scientist, Merck & Co.

Barry Bunin

Barry Bunin

CEO, Collaborative Drug Discovery

Phillip Cox

Phillip Cox

Chief Scientist, Noramco Inc

Kristopher Josephson

Kristopher Josephson

Director, Ra Pharmaceuticals


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

15:30 – 17:00

Registration & Reception


17:00 – 17:15

Opening  Comments


Discovery Re-Invented
Session Chair: C. Reynolds

17:15 – 18:00

Steve Young
Retired VP Merck & Co.

HIV Integrase Inhibitors: The Chemistry Behind The Discovery of Isentress

18:00 – 18:30

James Breitenbucher
Dart Neuroscience

Drug Discovery – What really needs to be “Re-Invented”?

18:30 – 19:00

Bart DeCorte
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson

The Janssen Incubator – A Novel Business Model to Spark Internal Innovation

19:00 - 20:00

Welcome Reception/Dinner

Novel Pharma Approaches
Session Chair: P. Lam

20:00 – 20:30

Patrick Lam
Lam Drug Discovery Consulting, LLC

Discovery of Eliquis®/Apixaban, a novel FXa anticoagulant

20:30 – 21:00

Serge Boulet
Eli Lilly and Company

Phenotypic Drug Discovery of Novel Anti-Angiogenics

21:00 – 21:30

Gabor Butora

Chemically Modified Oligonucleotides for RNAi

21:30 -22:00

Michael Trzoss
Trius Therapeutics

Novel GyrB/ParE Inhibitors


Free Time

Thursday, October 17, 2013

06:00 – 08:00


Collaborative Drug Discovery I
Session Chairs: J. Vacca and B. Kinney

08:00 – 08:45

Michael Foley
Broad Institute


08:45 – 09:15

Craig Thomas
National Center for Advancing Clinical and Therapeutic Sciences

Associative Data Profiles Connect Basic Research to Translational Efforts

09:15 – 09:45

Todd Chappell
BioHealth Innovation, Inc.

Entrepreneurs-in-Residence, Not Just for Venture Capitalists

09:45 – 10:15

James Barrow
Lieber Institute

Genetics-Driven Psychiatry Drug Discovery

10:15 – 10:30

Greg Miknis
Colorado Center for Drug Discovery

Promoting Colorado Drug Discovery Research: Creation of the Colorado Center for Drug Discovery (C2D2)

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:30

Joseph Vacca
WuXi Apptec

"Drug Discovery in the 21st Century"

11:30 – 12:00

Zhengying Pan
Peking University, Shenzhen Graduate School

Discovery of Selective Irreversible Inhibitors for Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase

12:00 – 12:15

Barry Bunin
Collaborative Drug Discovery

Collaborative Drug Discovery Technology Neglected, Infectious, CNS, and Repositioning Applications

12:15 – 12:30

Olanrewaju Omobuwajo
Niger Delta University

Fertility reducing effect of pandanus candelabrum p.beauv. Leaves in male wistar rats

12:30 – 13:15

Group Lunch

12:30 – 16:30

Free Time

Natural Products
Session Chair: M. Goetz

16:30 – 16:45

Michael Goetz

The Natural Products Discovery Institute. Classical and novel approaches to drug discovery

16:45 – 17:30

Sean Brady
Rockefeller University

Watch where you step, there is new chemistry everywhere

17:30 – 18:00

Jef De Brabander
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Opportunities for Lead Discovery in a Biomedical Research Environment

18:00 – 18:20

Guy Carter

Biosortia Pharmaceuticals

A deep dive into aquatic microbial consortia for drug discovery

18:20 – 18:40

Jetze Tepe
Michigan State University


Non-competitive regulation of the human proteasome by natural products and natural product inspired scaffolds

18:40 – 19:00

Phillip Cox


Development of poppy varieties to suit changing market requirements

19:00 – 20:00

Group Dinner

20:00 – 22:00

Poster Session & Cocktail Reception

Friday, October 18, 2013

06:00 – 08:00

Breakfast & Free Morning

12:00 – 12:45

Group Lunch

Structure, Modeling and Informatics
Session Chair: C. Reynolds

12:45 13:30

William Jorgensen
Yale University

Drug Discovery Accelerated by Computational Methods

13:30 – 14:00

Kenneth Merz
University of Florida

Blurring to Bring Binding Free Energies into Focus

14:00 – 14:30

Chris Williams
Chemical Computing Group

Water Placement - Application of 3D-RISM to structure-based drug design

14:30 – 14:45

Christopher Reynolds
University of Essex

Unravelling similarities between class A and class B GPCRs through modelling and mutagenesis

14:45 – 15:00

Lance Westerhoff
QuantumBio Inc.

Quantum mechanics-based macromolecular x-ray refinement as an advanced method for the high throughput crystallography

15:00 – 15:30

Leah Frye

Nimbus and Schrödinger Reinventing Drug Discovery: Rapid and Efficient Development of Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Inhibitors

15:30 – 16:00

Paul Leeson

Compound Quality: What Have We Learned?

16:00 - 16:30


Biologics and Non-traditional Therapeutics
Session Chair: C. Reynolds

16:30 – 17:15

David Lowe

Targeting the Amino Acid Dependence of Cancer

17:15 – 17:45

Andreas Bader
Mirna Therapeutics

MRX34 – from bench to bedside

17:45 – 18:15

David Gorenstein
University of Texas HSC Houston

Next Generation X-Aptamers for Personalized Nanomedicine

18:15 – 18:45

Aaron Sato
Sutro Biopharma

Rapid Design and Production of Homogeneous Best-in-Class Protein Therapeutics using Cell-Free Protein Expression

18:45 – 19:00

Ian Pottie

Mount Saint Vincent University  

Developing an Imaging Agent for Cholinesterase Enzymes to

Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease

19:00 – 19:30


Foundation Support for Neglected Diseases
Session Chair: L. Trundle

19:30 – 20:15

Omar Vandal
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Partnerships in Drug Discovery and Technology Development for Diseases of the Developing World

20:30 – 00:00

*Gala Night, Group Photo & Poster Awards*

Saturday, October 19, 2013

07:00 – 09:00



Chair Opening

Discovery Technologies
Session Chair: B. Kinney

09:00 – 09:20

Dietmar Wolf


Novel Macrocyclic Libraries Evolved from Natural Product Technology Platforms

09:20 – 09:40

Prem Premsrirut
Mirimus, Inc.

RNAi mouse models: Revolutionizing drug discovery in vivo

09:40 – 10:00

Philip Jones
MD Anderson Cancer Center

Institute for Applied Cancer Science, developing the next generation of oncology agents for targeted patient populations

10:00 – 10:30

Matthew Segall
Optibrium Ltd.

Finding and Applying Rules for Successful Drug Discovery

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:30

Janet Ralbovsky
University of Tennessee Research Foundation

Technology Transfer Re-invented: How is Academia Adapting to the Changes in Drug Discovery?

11:30 – 12:00

Joel Dudley

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Developing a Systematic Computational Approach to Identify Novel Drug Indication Relationships Using Public Gene Expression Profiles

12:00 – 12:45

Group Lunch

Collaborative Drug Discovery II
Session Chair: B. DeCorte

12:45 – 13:15

Benjamin Blass
Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research

Drug Discovery in the Academic Community

13:15 – 13:45

Mark McDonnell
Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center Inc.

Riluzole prodrugs for melanoma and ALS

13:45 – 14:15

Sandhya Kortagere
Drexel University College of Medicine

Designing protein-protein interaction inhibitors as novel antimalarial chemotherapeutics

14:15 – 14:30

Peter Cheuka
University of Cape Town

Synthesis of aminomethylthiazole analogues for evaluation as antiplasmodial agents

14:30 – 15:00

Kris Josephson

Discovery of Potent Macrocyclic Peptides for Drug Development

15:00 – 15:15

Closing Remarks (Chairs & Fusion)




Supported by

Bronze Sponsors
Media Partners

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Venue & Location

Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas

Laze in the Arizona sun at the Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas, an AAA Four Diamond resort set at the foot of the Camelback Mountain. This beautiful property located in the heart of Scottsdale is inspired by the Sonoran Desert with an elegant and luxurious interiour.

Delegates will enjoy an arranged feast for breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the conference period. During each meal delegates are entitled to unlimited sodas and one house wine or beer during dinner. The themed Gala Night, ‘A Night Under the Stars', takes place on the third evening of the conference with a mouth-watering feast exclusively designed by the head chef, an open bar and a live band.  We welcome all delegates and their accompanying persons to the Gala Night – a truly fun filled night not to be missed!

Hotel Facilities

  • Resort Swimming Pool
  • Gym & Spa
  • Complimentary WI-FI in guestrooms and conference areas

The Hilton Scottsdale Resort and Villas has received the 2012 Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence Award.

The majestic Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, is an extremely popular attraction for this conference. We will be working closely with a reputable tour operator who will be arranging day trips to the Grand Canyon before and after the conference whether it be an individual or group booking. We recommend additional nights are booked well in advance if you plan to book this day trip to avoid disappointment. For further information on the Grand Canyon Tour, please contact us.

General Information

Venue Rating

★ ★ ★ ★


US Dollar (USD)


Nearest Airport

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport


Arizona is the sixth largest state in the United States surrounded by truly breath taking views of mountains, valleys, high plateaus, narrow canyons and colourful stretches of the desert. The constant warm arid temperatures and clear starry night skies add to the beauty of this wonderful location. Arizona is home to the majestic Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. This famous and inspiring landmark can be incorporated into day trip as an extension of the conference allowing our delegates to experience an unforgettable adventure!

Scottsdale is a city of extraordinary treasures with an old western charm and Native American culture, all just steps away from the Sonoran Desert’s rugged beauty. Home to more than 200 outstanding golf courses designed by some of the greatest names in golf, the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, fabulous one-off boutiques, fine art galleries, world-class museums, innovative architecture and acclaimed restaurants, there is definitely something for everyone.

Bronze Sponsors


Media Partners

If you're interested in sponsoring this conference please contact us.

Conference Manager

Laura Trundle

Need some help? Chat to the Fusion team today

As a family run business, our dedication runs deep. We’re committed to each other and, even more so, to every attendee’s experience, delivering a level of care and passion that’s truly unmatched.

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+44 (0) 1638 555057

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